Saturday, June 4, 2011


Today, I looked through my cellphone contacts. I arrived at C___ With Glasses. I thought to myself, #1) I will not call him to hang out. #2) What a weird dude. C___ is a pre-op transsexual with a totally out of  control Adderall  addiction. When I found out he had a vagina, I just couldn't make sense of it. #1) I thought he had a penis. #2) I thought he was gay. That's a weird perception shift. Finding out that I man you thought was gay is actually a woman with an adam's apple surgery that would only be gay if he wasn't interested in men. Heh. Still a speed freak. Still won't call him/her back. I bet Andy would have called 'em back. I guess that's why I'll never been famous. That and several other reasons.