I won't bother with commentary because I'm pretty sure you can figure this out. Besides, it's more fun to read it as an argument.
Bon Iver to the New York Times: I don’t think the Bon Iver record is the kind of record that would get nominated for a Grammy — “I would get up there and be like, ‘This is for my parents, because they supported me,’ ” because I know they would think it would be stupid of me not to go up there. But I kinda felt like going up there and being like: “Everyone should go home, this is ridiculous. You should not be doing this. We should not be gathering in a big room and looking at each other and pretending that this is important.” That’s what I would say.
I really feel that way. Because no matter what . . . I don’t think Arcade Fire was compromised, but 98 percent of the people in that room, their art is compromised by the fact that they’re thinking that, and that they’re hoping to get that award. And who is that award given by? It’s like they think it’s literally handed down by the musical-history gods. And I don’t know who the voters are. Like, I have a friend who’s a voter who was like, “I had to be a voter because I don’t trust the other voters.” And I was like, “Me either!” And it’s just not important and people spend too much time thinking about it.
The Avalanches via twitter: @boniver a musicians 'art is compromised' if he/she desires a grammy ..but endor$ing a product with proven devastating health risks is ok?
a product which kills 100k p/a in the US alone..man kids look up to you. #rememberwhenitwascoolNOTtosellout
[this post came with a link to the following image, from Bon Iver's ad campaign with Bushmills whiskey]
Bon Iver via twitter: @TheAvalanches do u drink whiskey?
The Avalanches via twitter: actually vodka is more my thing, but this aint no rock n roll pissing contest. i have seen alcohol destroy many families ...
Full disclosure: I really prefer the Avalanches to Bon Iver by an enormous margin. Here are the videos for Frontier Psychiatrist and Since I Left You: